Halloween, Part 1

No, not the Michael Myers series.  New Orleans on the Saturday BEFORE Halloween.  Cuz we put the fun in funeral and costumes into just about anything else.

So on Saturday we had the Krewe of Halloween  (formerly the Krewe of Boo which everyone agrees is a MUCH better name … are you listening Blaine?)  parade which was a huge success.  Thanks Blaine, we really don’t care what you call it just keep on doing it!

About the same time, the Zombie Walk was set to go off on Canal Street but kind of fizzled …I mean, really, even zombies like to go to a good parade!

And of course VoodoFest continued to rock on. One local blog talked about how good it was this year becasue it was all about rock and roll for the younger set, not old geezers who like to go to JazzFest and listen to Simon & Garfunkel. (guess that blogger was taking his nap when Pearl Jam was playing at the Fest)

But if Voodoo is for kids, why is the headline act at Voodoo this year was none other than the Prince of Fucking Darkness himself, the only rocker older than ( and more ossified …or is that Ozzified?)  than Keith Richards.


Hey Ozzy, not sure what the hell you’re doing there in that tweet pic but Love Gun is by KISS. They were here for the kids last year.  So I called my my son the philospher king of Western Washington U in aint no ham like Bellingham Wash, and asked him to name me three KISS songs, his reply was :

“1. Rock and Roll”

“2. All Night Long”

“3. And Every Day”

“…..  or was #3 the Kinks?  Those old groups all sound the same to me.”

But hey while we’re talking about teach your children, really does anybody market himself better than the Genester?  I don’t think so. I mean look at Klassy Kiss Products .

But they did get one thing right.  If it’s too loud ….. you’re too fucking old.

Rock on Wayne

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